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Renewable Energy Powering The Future Of The United States

Renewable Energy: Powering the Future of the United States

20% and Growing: Renewable Energy's Contribution to U.S. Energy Mix

The United States is making strides towards a cleaner, more sustainable energy future. Renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydropower, now account for over 20% of the country's electricity generation. This figure is expected to continue to grow in the coming years.

Large Hydropower Boosts Renewable Generation

Large-scale hydropower projects contribute significantly to the renewable energy landscape in the United States. Together with other renewable sources, these projects have been responsible for generating approximately 25% of the nation's electricity.

Robust Growth in Renewables

From 2022 onwards, the country witnessed a remarkable influx of 42 gigawatts (GW) in new renewable power-generating capacity. This increase was largely driven by robust investment and technological advancements in the sector.

Halfway There: Renewable Energy's Share of Utility-Scale Generation

In the first six months of 2022, a significant 24% of electricity generated at utility-scale facilities in the United States came from renewable sources. This is a testament to the growing prominence of clean energy in the country's energy mix.

U.S. Emerges as a Renewable Energy Leader

A wave of investment in clean energy has propelled the United States to become the world's third-largest market for renewable energy. This investment indicates a commitment to a sustainable future and positions the nation as a key player in the global transition to clean energy.
